General Rules
Class Placement
Class placement is based on both age and ability and is at the discretion of the instructor.
Please call the office and let us know about any absence, otherwise, it will be counted as unexcused. If you know in advance you are going to be absent please complete and return an absentee form from the office. Please inform your teacher of your absence/s as soon as possible. All absences must be approved by Miss Julie and Mr. Mike.
Lost Items
The Studio is not responsible for lost items left unattended at the studio. Please leave expensive items at home or place them in your zipped dance bags if you find it necessary to bring to the studio.
Studio Closings
Juliana’s will be closed for inclement weather in accordance with Lamphere School District. If we have to close the studio due to weather or building problems, we will publish it on our web site, Facebook, Instagram and send email notices as possible. Extreme weather and building problems, such as no electricity, are considered out of our control. We will cancel classes if we feel it would be dangerous to have parents bring their dancers to class or if we lose power. Our policy is that we do not reimburse for these missed classes.
It's not a fashion show
Dress Codes
Dance requires proper equipment in order to be successful. Proper attire allows instructors to view how the student uses their muscles and allows for specific corrections to be given. Due to safety concerns, correct dancewear and shoes must be worn in class or the student will not be able to participate. Please layer/un-layer your clothes for ballet classes, changing will be limited to 5 minutes between classes.
*If not in proper dress code, it is the teacher’s discretion to ask students to leave class.

What to wear
Dancewear Guidelines
Leotard, black or pink tights, skirt optional, hair in bun/pulled back
Ballet tights and form fitted shirt
Tight fitting crop tops, yoga style tops, yoga style pants/shorts, leotards, bike shorts, or capri pants.
Please, NO streetwear or baggy pants.
Hair in bun/pulled back.